Nobel Energy


Turan Drilling & Engineering to manage BP procurement activity in Azerbaijan

Turan Drilling & Engineering to manage BP procurement activity in Azerbaijan


Turan Drilling & 工程公司有限责任公司(KCA Deutag和SOCAR AQS公司)已经获得了一份管理采购的合同修正案, 代表BP勘探(里海)有限公司(“BP”)进行维护和仓储活动.  
The agreement, effective 15 June 2020, means Turan Drilling & Engineering JV will manage the SAP maintenance system, wells procurement activity, inventory, 为BP全球油井组织在阿塞拜疆的储存和仓储. 
Turan Drilling & 工程部已经额外雇佣了71人来支持这项活动, 69 of whom are Azerbaijani nationals. 
该修正案的价值高达1.2亿美元,适用于BP授予Turan Drilling的合同 & 根据产品共享协议,将于2019年为英国石油公司在里海运营的七个平台钻井平台进行运营和维护工程. These are the East, West and Central Azeri, Deepwater Gunashli, West Chirag, Chirag and Shah Deniz installations. The initial term is for five years with two one-year extension options. 
Bob Petrie, General Director, Turan Drilling & 工程公司表示:“我们很高兴英国石油公司对图兰钻探公司表现出了信心 & 工程,通过扩大我们在阿塞拜疆提供的服务,包括采购活动. This shows our ability to offer value at, and beyond the rig site, providing solutions for customers across their operations.”  

Formed in July 2018, Turan Drilling & Engineering is a joint venture between KCA Deutag and SOCAR AQS.  它由两家公司共同拥有,结合了KCA Deutag作为世界领先的钻井和工程承包商的专业知识和SOCAR AQS无与伦比的知识, experience and infrastructure in the Caspian region.